Market Ready Products To Retailers.
Presenting Market Ready Products To Retailers
This is the part I love. Here’s part of the process and action steps I follow. Gather information on who you will target, make sure it’s accurate and then pick up the phone.
- Go to the public library and ask for help getting a list of companies. I like D&B because I can login from home, but any source will do.
- Study the Standard Industry Classifications (SIC) and North American Industry Classification System (NAIC) listings and determine, by industry, your best prospects.
- Do an “Advanced Search” and select geography, headquarters, company size, or other important criteria. Export the contacts you want to an Excel Spreadsheet or contact management system. I like ACT by SAGE. Make a target list of the top 50 prospects you want to contact. The report should show their address, phone and website.
- Make sure your Excel worksheet has each piece of info in a separate column. I use these headings: Company Name, First Name, Last Name, Title, Phone, Email, Street Address, City, State, Zip, Website, Notes
- Go to each website and research it for information such as, Invention Submission, Buyers, or whatever else jumps out at you. Generally retail companies have a title called BUYER that reports to someone called MERCHANDISE MANAGER each working a separate “Category” or isle or group of products in the store. Verify the address, phone and other information you can.
- Dial the number and get ready to leave a voice mail message or speak with an operator.
- Ask to speak with the right Buyer.
- Have a short elevator speech with the benefits and gage interest. Get email and correct spelling of contact name. Mark your notes and follow up plan on the Excel spreadsheet.
Are you a one hit wonder or worth all their effort?
Do you have proper liability insurance?
Vendor paperwork and shipping requirements are a bear.
A strong Sell Sheet, Demo Video and Price Sheet.
Samples. Not to be given lightly. It’s part of the close. Don’t blow it or waste it.
Retail Packaging, considering shelf space limitations.
Strong merchandising plan so it doesn’t sit on the shelf.
Strategic Considerations
Sell locally or Go Big?
Plan for Cash Flow & A/R
Regional tests can be good.
Low Cost / High Return Inventing Steps
1) Watch this video to learn how to earn up to $100,000 per product, as a product scout, while you sharpen your skills in our category.
2) For even more help read blogs and watch links:
3) Here’s some NEXT Steps if you want to work on licensing outside ASOTV.
4) Here’s some of my agents available for hire, to make connections for you.
5) Join me on social networks and keep learning and helping others.
Just takes 1 winner to earn millions.
See you on the shelves,
Carrie Jeske
market ready products