Before You Submit Product to ASOTV « Inventive Ideas, LLC

Submit product for ASOTV?

There are many places to submit product for ASOTV or other distribution channels, but none as fast as As Seen On TV.  Here’s the steps you can take.

EVALUATE / VALIDATE / RESEARCH the concept yourself.   


Search Google “Images” and by keyword descriptions.   Consider what words buyers would use to find your product and make a note of them.    


Estimate the cost and retail price based on other products with similar materials.   Goal is $2-5 in cost of goods, $11 wholesale, $19.95 retail.  We buy in mass volume and can make things much less expensive, but it’s good for you to have an understanding of the cost.


Review competitive solutions:  Find your unique advantage, gather marketing verbiage, assess the size of the problem.  Explain how your product is better.


Consider products with similar materials and begin making an Inventor “Mock-Up” prototype.  Keep the mechanics simple.


Protect Your I.P.  – Use an Inventor Notebook and NDA’s.   If you don’t understand the laws, seek legal counsel.

Don’t try to hire someone to live your dream.  Do this yourself.

Our goal is to save you time and money.    In today’s fast paced small business environment technology is moving fast.  Being first to market is important to many manufactures and licensing companies.
Find a partner that you trust and give them “First Look” at all your products.

Carrie Jeske