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Product Licensing – From the other side of the table by Carrie Jeske

Product Competition

In today’s world, there is so much competition for the consumer dollar.  People have many choices about where and how to spend their money.   Getting them to put it on an inventor product takes marketing skill and a fair bit of luck or Divine Providence.

Product licensing isn’t easy work.   It takes time and is filled with redundant tasks and rejection.  It’s not for everyone, but over the years, I’ve learned a lot from both sides of the table.    I experienced the wide eyed optimism of being and inventor, the sober minded hope of running a small business, the disappointment of failure and the surge of responsibility bought by success.

My goal is to make a difference and add value as inventors consider the pros and cons of each next step in the inventing sequence.   Here’s a page with helpful information.

Nowadays inventors have many options for whom to choose as a partner.   You can Do It Yourself (DIY) or hire a professional.   Either way, securing a licensing agreement is a combination of hard work and luck.

Product Licensing

Licensing is a fun business.  Over 20 years, I’ve had the unique perspective of watching licensing agreements from both sides of the table.    This last few years, more of my time has been spend on the phone with inventors.    There is so much room for growth and opportunity now for everyone.

I enjoy long term relationships built on trust and mutual profit.    Please give me first look at your product ideas and let me help if I can.   I enjoy making money in teams.   No one person can take a product from concept to market on their own.  We need one another.   I love being on this side of the table where I see so many products and have a much clearer understanding of just how hard it is to succeed at making money on a product idea.  The launch costs are excessive.  Far higher then most inventors realize.  Certainly more time consuming then I imaged, as an inventor.

I look forward to getting to know you on social networks.  It’s very helpful when you participate and ask questions on the public domain for the good of all.

If you’re into social networking, connect with me on:


Carrie Jeske

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