Don’t Borrow Money For Your Invention by Carrie Jeske « Inventive Ideas, LLC

Category "Funding"

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Don’t Borrow Money For Your Invention by Carrie Jeske

Don’t Borrow Money For An Invention Product Idea by Carrie Jeske I’m amazed how many email offers I get to borrow money.   It seems like the good and the bad are in favor of it.  TV personalities, consultant, scammers, ripoff […]

Crowd Funding Success? Be Smart.

Crowd Funding Success Congratulations.  Your crowd funding campaign succeeded.   Take a few minutes to enjoy your success, then WATCH OUT and BE SMART.    You’re on the public domain with a product people seem to like so remember competitors, […]

Tiny Tests Transfer Trust

Market Viability Testing Saves Money. Of course you trust the potential success of your product.   It’s your idea!   For an investor, that trust must be earned before they believe the same potential is true.   Testing a product for market viability […]

Rate of Return Investors Want on New Products

Rate of Return Investors Want on New Products. Rate of Return Investors Want on New Products. The earlier an investor gets into a product launch, the more risky the venture.    We’ve all heard the stats that make raising money a […]

Crowdfunding Success – Bandit Guns $54,256

Crowdfunding Success – Bandit Guns $54,256 Crowdfunding Success – Bandit Guns $54,256 Congratulations to Bandit Guns: Rubber Band Shotgun by Bob Coulston , a friend whom I work with at the Inventors Center of KC.     So we had a small […]

Investor Funded – SterileWrite $40,000

Investor Funded – SterileWrite $40,000. Investor Funded – SterileWrite $40,000 SterileWrite pen sanitation device received more than $40,000 from friends and family investors.   The product utility patent was granted in 2012. The patent is available for licensing and the product offers […]