Demo Video Pitch Tips « Inventive Ideas, LLC

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Demo Video Pitch Tips

Demo Video Pitch Tips Getting the demo video right is more important than ever.  Every inventor needs to be skilled at VIDEO EDITING and PROTOTYPE MAKING. In “As Seen On TV” category of DRTV, we often use the inventors original […]

Royalty Rates Defined

Royalty Rates Defined for Consumer Product Ideas by Carrie Jeske In the As Seen on TV category, an inventor can clear 2-4 million dollars in royalties.  In every other category, that number is significantly less. Don’t be caught in an […]

How does the Intellectual Property (IP) remain mine?

Question? How does the Intellectual Property remain mine from the time I submitted to the time that it is made public and needs IP protection? Short Answer? Use non-disclosure agreements (NDA’s), term sheets and modification/improvements clauses in contracts.   Pick […]

Who’s Who Inventor Zoo?

Who’s Who Inventor Zoo? This is a great time for innovation so capitalize on the trends and invent smart. There is much opportunity for independent inventors from TV shows to invention contests and more.  The main concern for inventors, is […]

DRTV Licensing Step One – Carrie Jeske

DRTV Licensing Step One – Carrie Jeske As Seen On TV (ASOTV) The fastest, least expensive way an inventor can make money on an idea. The royalties paid are huge, the product development cycle fast and the life cycle short. So […]