Developing mobile apps is a lot like launching new consumer products to market.
Developing Mobile Apps & Starting a Tech Company.
Developing Mobile Apps and Starting a Tech Company from Curt McMillan on Vimeo.
Developing mobile apps used to be a fast way to make money. When cell phones were new. Now, it’s like any other crowed business category. Finding ways to leverage low cost marketing that produces maximum sales is the key.
Often product developers misunderstand the financial burdens of launching a product. They often spend money on the wrong resources. This is true for people with business experience because they think it works like every other business. What’s overlooked, is that launching a new product to market is not easy for any business. It’s a very risky endeavor with success coming through expensive trial, error and persistence or luck.
Here’s how I can help.
1) Watch this video to learn how to earn up to $100,000 per product, as a product scout, while you sharpen your skills in our category.
2) For even more help read blogs and watch links:
3) Also here’s some NEXT Steps if you want to work on licensing outside ASOTV.
4) Here’s some of my agents available for hire, to make connections for you.
5) Also join me on social networks and keep learning and helping others.
Just takes 1 winner to earn millions.
Stay close,
Carrie Jeske
913-312-0200 x110
Direct Response As Seen On TV Products at Will It Launch? – No Patent Required.
All other products at Inventive Ideas – Patent Required.