Product Demo Videos That Sell « Inventive Ideas, LLC

Posts by CarrieJeske

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Product Demo Videos That Sell

Make Product Demo Videos by Carrie Jeske You don’t have to use a professional videographer to make good demo videos that can secure a licensing agreement.  It’s possible to shoot the demo video yourself using a smart phone or video […]

PitchProduct Idea – Italy 2017

Pitch Product Idea – Italy 2017 Pitch your product ideas – Italy.    Reserve your seat now for private meetings in these great locations. Pitch your product ideas – Italy is back. $10 secures your spot. The 2016 trip produced some […]

Don’t Borrow Money For Your Invention by Carrie Jeske

Don’t Borrow Money For An Invention Product Idea by Carrie Jeske I’m amazed how many email offers I get to borrow money.   It seems like the good and the bad are in favor of it.  TV personalities, consultant, scammers, ripoff […]

Complaints, Reviews, Common Sense with Carrie Jeske

Complaints, Reviews, Common Sense with Carrie Jeske I’m amazed at how many people believe complaints, reviews or complements they read online. It’s marketing, you know? Remember when people used to think what they read in newspapers and magazines and saw […]

How does the Intellectual Property (IP) remain mine?

Question? How does the Intellectual Property remain mine from the time I submitted to the time that it is made public and needs IP protection? Short Answer? Use non-disclosure agreements (NDA’s), term sheets and modification/improvements clauses in contracts.   Pick […]

Crowd Funding Success? Be Smart.

Crowd Funding Success Congratulations.  Your crowd funding campaign succeeded.   Take a few minutes to enjoy your success, then WATCH OUT and BE SMART.    You’re on the public domain with a product people seem to like so remember competitors, […]