Key To ASOTV Product Success by Carrie Jeske « Inventive Ideas, LLC

Category "As Seen on TV (ASOTV)"

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Key To ASOTV Product Success by Carrie Jeske

Key To ASOTV Product Success by Carrie Jeske The key to As Seen On TV product success is to learn to overcome failure.  Few products succeed, but if you hit just one, you could make millions in product royalties. In […]

Inventors….Watch Out For Massive Fees

Count The Cost of submitting products online… We charge no fees and are more responsive.  .Carrie Jeske and Inventive Ideas do not charge inventors.    We are paid only on successfully selling products.    Our investors fund 100% of the process and control the […]

Why should you educate your friends about TV products?

This is a great time to be an inventor and to help others learn to invent tv products.    I’ve been in the inventor community for more then 12 years, launching my own products and building the Inventor Center of KC. […]

How To Submit My Invention to ASOTV

How To Submit My Invention to ASOTV Before You Submit How to submit? Make A Demo Video The best submissions feature you demonstrating the product in a unique way that makes people say, “WOW, I want that.”.    Don’t spend alot of money.   Use the […]

Before You Submit Product to ASOTV

Submit product for ASOTV? There are many places to submit product for ASOTV or other distribution channels, but none as fast as As Seen On TV.  Here’s the steps you can take. EVALUATE / VALIDATE / RESEARCH the concept yourself.    […]

What Happens After I Submit My ASOTV Product?

Do you have the next ASOTV product? Selecting the right partner for your ASOTV product is an important consideration.   You get one shot.   Our industry is very small, with many family feuds and strategic alliances.    We all […]

ASOTV Inventing Technique – Mix and Match

  ASOTV Inventing ASOTV Inventing Techniques – Mix & Match.    I love watching products succeed  and finding new ASOTV Inventing techniques to share.  Check back often. It’s a strategy taught in creativity classes to help people open up their […]

John Calvert, USPTO interview by Carrie Jeske

John Calvert, administrator of the USPTO’s Inventors Assistance Program  sat down with Carrie Jeske at the Kansas Regional Independent Inventors Conference. Many topics were discussed and the conference was a great success.     In this clip, Carrie askes John to comment […]

Product Royalty Rates – GREED is never good.

With product royalty rates, greed is never good.    Many inventors end up signing licensing agreements that terminate, never paying a dime, because they negotiated out the very partners needed to succeed.   Launching new products is expensive.   You’ll […]