Key To ASOTV Product Success by Carrie Jeske « Inventive Ideas, LLC

Posts by CarrieJeske

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Key To ASOTV Product Success by Carrie Jeske

Key To ASOTV Product Success by Carrie Jeske The key to As Seen On TV product success is to learn to overcome failure.  Few products succeed, but if you hit just one, you could make millions in product royalties. In […]

Prototypes, Product Developers & Manufactures

I love working with great product developers.   Amazing how smart they are!   Saving time and money because they know how manufacturing works and how prototypes need to function. Here are few service providers I recommend:As always, when selecting […]

Inventors….Watch Out For Massive Fees

Count The Cost of submitting products online… We charge no fees and are more responsive.  .Carrie Jeske and Inventive Ideas do not charge inventors.    We are paid only on successfully selling products.    Our investors fund 100% of the process and control the […]

Why should you educate your friends about TV products?

This is a great time to be an inventor and to help others learn to invent tv products.    I’ve been in the inventor community for more then 12 years, launching my own products and building the Inventor Center of KC. […]

Crowdfunding Sites. A great place for ASOTV inventions

Crowdfunding Sites.   A great place for ASOTV inventions. As with any invention, it’s all about strategy, timing and connections.   If you have a product that meets the narrow criteria of As Seen On TV, DO NOT post it on one […]

Missouri Small Business & Technology Development Center

I love small business! Small business is thriving in Missouri.  I drove to the Missouri University in Columbia. Spoke with the advisors about As Seen on TV products. And was really impressed.   The experts there have so much to offer […]

Companies Looking For New Products by Carrie Jeske

Companies Looking For New Products by Carrie Jeske Complaints, Reviews and Success Stories At Inventive Ideas, we keep an eye on Who’s Who in the Inventing Zoo.    We monitor complaints, reviews and success stories from the inside of the […]

How To Submit My Invention to ASOTV

How To Submit My Invention to ASOTV Before You Submit How to submit? Make A Demo Video The best submissions feature you demonstrating the product in a unique way that makes people say, “WOW, I want that.”.    Don’t spend alot of money.   Use the […]

Before You Submit Product to ASOTV

Submit product for ASOTV? There are many places to submit product for ASOTV or other distribution channels, but none as fast as As Seen On TV.  Here’s the steps you can take. EVALUATE / VALIDATE / RESEARCH the concept yourself.    […]